The border-inline-start-color
property is a part of the CSS Box Model module. It is used to set the color of the left border of an element in a horizontal writing mode. This property is used to set the color of the left border of an element when the text direction is left-to-right. In right-to-left writing mode, the border-inline-end-color
property is used to set the color of the right border.
The border-inline-start-color
property is used to set the color of the left border of an element. It is a shorthand property that sets the color of the left border of an element in a horizontal writing mode. The value of this property can be any valid CSS color value, such as a color name, a hexadecimal value, an RGB value, or an HSL value.
The border-inline-start-color
property can be used with other border properties, such as border-inline-start-width
, border-inline-start-style
, border-inline-end-color
, border-inline-end-width
, and border-inline-end-style
, to create complex border styles.
Here are some examples of using the border-inline-start-color
<p style="border-inline-start-color: red;">This is a paragraph with a red left border.</p>
<div style="border-inline-start: 2px solid blue; border-inline-start-color: green;">
<p>This is a paragraph inside a div with a blue left border and a green left border color.</p>
In the first example, the border-inline-start-color
property is used to set the color of the left border of a paragraph to red. In the second example, the border-inline-start-color
property is used with the border-inline-start
property to create a div with a blue left border and a green left border color.
The border-inline-start-color
property is supported in all modern browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. It is also supported in Internet Explorer 11 and higher.
Overall, the border-inline-start-color
property is a useful tool for creating complex border styles in horizontal writing mode. It allows developers to set the color of the left border of an element, and can be used in conjunction with other border properties to create unique and visually appealing designs.