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The border-inline-start-width property is a part of the CSS Box Model. It is used to set the width of the inline-start border of an element. The inline-start border is the border that is on the start side of the element, which is the left side in left-to-right languages like English and the right side in right-to-left languages like Arabic.

The border-inline-start-width property can be used with any element that has a border, including <div>, <p>, <span>, and others. It is particularly useful for creating complex layouts where the direction of the text changes, such as in multilingual websites.

Here is the syntax for using the border-inline-start-width property:

selector {
  border-inline-start-width: value;

The selector can be any valid CSS selector, such as a class, ID, or element selector. The value can be any valid CSS length value, such as pixels, ems, or percentages.

Here are some examples of using the border-inline-start-width property:

/* Set the inline-start border width of a div to 2 pixels */
div {
  border-inline-start-width: 2px;

/* Set the inline-start border width of a paragraph to 50% of the parent element's width */
p {
  border-inline-start-width: 50%;

/* Set the inline-start border width of a span to 0 */
span {
  border-inline-start-width: 0;

It is important to note that the border-inline-start-width property only sets the width of the inline-start border. To set the width of all four borders of an element, you can use the border-width property. To set the width of a specific border, such as the top border, you can use the border-top-width property.

Here is an example of using the border-width property to set the width of all four borders:

/* Set the width of all four borders of a div to 1 pixel */
div {
  border-width: 1px;

And here is an example of using the border-top-width property to set the width of the top border:

/* Set the width of the top border of a div to 2 pixels */
div {
  border-top-width: 2px;

The border-inline-start-width property is supported by all modern web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. It is also supported by Internet Explorer 11 and higher.

In conclusion, the border-inline-start-width property is a useful tool for setting the width of the inline-start border of an element. It is particularly useful for creating complex layouts where the direction of the text changes. By using this property, you can create visually appealing and functional websites that work well in all languages.

