CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). CSS properties are used to style and layout web pages. One of the CSS properties is the inset property. In this article, we will discuss the inset property in detail.
The inset property is used to create an inner border or shadow effect on an element. It is a shorthand property that combines the four individual properties: inset-top, inset-right, inset-bottom, and inset-left. The inset property is used to define the distance between the element and its border or shadow.
The inset property is commonly used to create a 3D effect on buttons, boxes, and other elements. It can also be used to create a shadow effect on text or images.
The inset property is used to define the distance between the element and its border or shadow. The distance can be defined in pixels, ems, rems, or percentages. The inset property can be used to create an inner border or shadow effect on an element.
The inset property is a shorthand property that combines the four individual properties: inset-top, inset-right, inset-bottom, and inset-left. The individual properties can also be used separately to define the distance between the element and its border or shadow.
The inset property can be used with the box-shadow property to create a shadow effect on an element. The box-shadow property is used to create a shadow effect around an element, while the inset property is used to create a shadow effect inside an element.
Here are some code examples of how to use the inset property:
/* Set the inset property for all sides */
div {
inset: 10px;
/* Set the inset property for top and bottom */
div {
inset-top: 10px;
inset-bottom: 10px;
/* Set the inset property for left and right */
div {
inset-left: 10px;
inset-right: 10px;
/* Set the inset property for all sides with different values */
div {
inset: 10px 20px 30px 40px;
/* Set the inset property for all sides with percentages */
div {
inset: 10% 20% 30% 40%;
/* Set the inset property with box-shadow */
div {
box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px #000000;
In conclusion, the inset property is a useful CSS property that can be used to create an inner border or shadow effect on an element. It is a shorthand property that combines the four individual properties: inset-top, inset-right, inset-bottom, and inset-left. The inset property can be used with the box-shadow property to create a shadow effect inside an element. By using the inset property, web developers can create visually appealing and dynamic web pages.